With a population that numbers a little more than 9,000, Corte Madera is a small town. However, a lot can still be discovered by looking at the town’s demographics. Of the 9,253 people recorded by the 2010 U.S. Census, 53.4 percent of Corte Madera residents are female, while the median age is 44.2, which is higher than California’s median age of 33. Of the total population, 74 percent is older 18 years old. The racial makeup of Corte Madera is as follows:
Hispanic or Latino (of any race)—8.3%
Not Hispanic or Latino—91.7%
Black or African American—0.9%
American Indian and Alaska Native—0.0% (4)
Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander—0.3%
Some other race—0.5%
Two or more races—3.8%
While the racial makeup of Corte Madera’s population is not incredibly diverse, there is a community of foreign-born residents. Only 83.3 percent of residents were born in the country, making 16.7 percent of the population foreign-born. About half of the residents that were born in another country are now naturalized citizens, while the rest are not citizens at all.
Like many other cities in the Bay Area, Corte Madera boasts a highly educated population. Of residents 25 years old and older, 24.1 percent of resident have a graduate or professional degree, which is about twice as much as the state average. The number of residents who have attained a bachelor’s degree as the highest degree is 40.4 percent, which is also double the state average.
With a high education level, the community in Corte Madera has a higher-than-average median household income of $100,000, which is much higher than the California median of $52,000. The median income of a family household in Corte Madera is even higher, at $127,000. Per capita, Corte Madera residents make $63,000, while California’s per capita is $27,000. Only 2.2 percent of the town is considered to be below the poverty level, which is much lower than California’s 14.3 percent.
In 2010, there were 3,793 total households in the town of Corte Madera, with an average size of 2.44 people, a fraction lower than the state’s 2.6. Of these households, over 71 percent are occupied by the owner. This high level of house ownership can be attributed to the high income level that comes with the population’s education level and career opportunities. Of the total number of residents working, 16 years old and older, 61.7 percent are in a management, professional or related position. The field with the next highest percentage is in sales and offices, which 25 percent of the population has jobs in. Twelve percent of residents are self employed, while the remaining workers have service jobs, as well as positions in farming, fishing and forestry; construction, extraction and maintenance; and production, transportation and material moving. The majority of these workers, 76 percent, commute to work by car, truck or van, while 12.7 percent use public transportation. The average time it takes a commuter to travel is 28.2 minutes.
As a highly educated community, Corte Madera brings in a high level of income, leading to a high quality of life and a commitment to the schooling systems in town. With a high quality of life, Corte Madera is a popular place to raise a family.